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Door motor replacement...

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    Door motor replacement...

    Well, my driver side window went tits up the other day, so this morning I started to pull the motor, and put the new bushing thingys in it...

    One disaster after another! First, right after I got the door panel off. I fell stepping off the front porch... (I have a weak right ankle, it likes to basically "go out", and to keep from breaking it, I have to fall the other way... I heard it pop once when I fell the wrong way... thought I broke it for sure that time!) So I went down left knee first... So I have a scrape on my left knee about the size of two one dollar coin pieces... and hurts like hell! (Yes on concrete, with shorts on, since it is about 100 fricken degrees today!) And since it is on the knee... I can't keep a bandage on it, as it keeps falling off... so... every 10 minutes or so, i have to go wipe off the trickle of blood that keeps running down my leg... Fun...
    Then, I got the first two holes drilled for the access holes to the bolts, and then my 24 volt drill decides to run out of battery... This is why I bought the 24 volt... thought it was SUPPOSED to last longer!!! GEEEZ!!! I KNEW I should have stayed in bed today!

    So I am sitting here waiting on the battery to re-charge.... wish it wasn't so damn much for another battery... they cost almost as much as the fricken drill! Then I could have a spare charged up all the time!

    Oh, and it hurts like hell to walk on my right ankle... so I did twist it some when I fell... Hopefully the Aleve kicks in soon!

    As long as I have had this much trouble today... i WILL be doing the right side Tuesday, since tommorow, I get the new intake and H.O. plenum put on the car finnally... pictures to follow!

    Agent Caitlin Todd… You know Tony, Statistics show that married men live longer…
    Agent Tony DiNozzo… It only seems longer….