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1987cp's new '81 LTD 2-door

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  • Archangel
    Guest replied
    "B" servo is larger so with same pressure provides more clamping force for less OD slip - there's also the "A" servo and an "A+" servo too, both aftermarket units IIRC

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  • 1987cp
    What was the main difference?

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  • gadget73
    early AOD had the C servo. Think the B servo came about in 86 or 88, not sure. One of those re-design years.

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  • 1987cp
    Originally posted by lincolnmania View Post
    add power goodies! base model panthers are the crap
    First things first, gonna lose the 255 and probably the early AOD (aren't they supposed to be weaker than the '87-up?). After that, I am thinking probably power seats to start, and maybe recycle my power antenna if I feel ambitious. Other than that, I'm not sure ... the manual windows look like they might be doable on a 2-door. Did I mention it supposedly weighs only about 3460 pounds?

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  • Lincolnmania
    add power goodies! base model panthers are the crap

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  • torquelover
    Very cool. Nice find at a great price.

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  • 1987cp
    yes, at least for now.

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  • Dave84
    Guest replied
    are you keeping the slotted bumper off your waggin?

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  • 1987cp
    True, but that damage is my only real complaint about the interior, other than the fact that things like the bench seat and nontilt column will take some getting used to for as long as they stay.

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  • Dave84
    Guest replied
    Very cool, that thing should be pretty sweet when its done, to bad about the door panel being ripped up

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  • 1987cp
    started a topic 1987cp's new '81 LTD 2-door

    1987cp's new '81 LTD 2-door

    Since tonight I took possession of the title of my new '81 "tudor", this seemed like an appropriate time to create a new Reader's Rides thread. I won't actually be taking possession of the car itself until I get everything I need off of my old '79 Country Squire, after which the seller intends to deliver the car and take possession of the '79 for a parts donor. Incidentally, said seller, who lives maybe 15 miles north of Lansing, MI, is a Panther enthusiast as well and has just joined CVN under userid "scottyschafer". So watch for him on there if you're a member of both sites.

    Pics I have so far; the last one is a very poor view of the carb pad on the 255ci intake. You'll get plenty of better pictures when this engine comes out and gets dismantled.

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