So I got the car running good, the transmission shifts fine, all was well. About ten minutes ago, I get in and get ready to go to the store to put gas in GL so I can go to work tomorrow. I turn the key, and all it does is turn over. Does not start whatsoever. I had driven the car about an hour before, so it was still warm. WTF?
I had this happen once before, at my cousins house. I was at his place for about 10 minutes, when I tried to start it, all it did was turn over. So, I pushed it home. The next day I went out, and GL started right up. I figured it was a coil thing. Since I put the points coil where the old EEC coil was, I figured the heat was doing something to it, so I relocated over to the drivers side wheel well.
The carb is getting gas, I can see it spray into the throat when I push on the linkage.
The coil is getting power, but I don't know if spark is getting to the plugs. What is the problem here? I bet if I go out tomorrow morning, it will start up. But, I don't want to take the chance of driving it to work, and get stuck halfway there. (I live about 15 miles from where I work.)
Can anyone help me out here? It seems GL has something new wrong with him every day. I am getting a little tired of trying to fix all these fuckups.
Thanks guys.
I had this happen once before, at my cousins house. I was at his place for about 10 minutes, when I tried to start it, all it did was turn over. So, I pushed it home. The next day I went out, and GL started right up. I figured it was a coil thing. Since I put the points coil where the old EEC coil was, I figured the heat was doing something to it, so I relocated over to the drivers side wheel well.
The carb is getting gas, I can see it spray into the throat when I push on the linkage.
The coil is getting power, but I don't know if spark is getting to the plugs. What is the problem here? I bet if I go out tomorrow morning, it will start up. But, I don't want to take the chance of driving it to work, and get stuck halfway there. (I live about 15 miles from where I work.)
Can anyone help me out here? It seems GL has something new wrong with him every day. I am getting a little tired of trying to fix all these fuckups.
Thanks guys.