Tell us what you want to do with your car. Just get it all out in one thread. Hehehe.
We're here to help, but it'd be a LOT easier if you'd just out and tell us what you hope to do with your car.
Step one: Come up with a game plan. Tell us what you use your car to do and what you intend to build it to do and we can help you go from one point to the next. Things will make a LOT more sense when you get your ultimate game plan organized (not engine, transmission, etc., but what you intend to do [track race, street race, quarter, road track, show, etc]) and start piecing together parts that lead up to one ultimate goal.
We're here to help, but it'd be a LOT easier if you'd just out and tell us what you hope to do with your car.
Step one: Come up with a game plan. Tell us what you use your car to do and what you intend to build it to do and we can help you go from one point to the next. Things will make a LOT more sense when you get your ultimate game plan organized (not engine, transmission, etc., but what you intend to do [track race, street race, quarter, road track, show, etc]) and start piecing together parts that lead up to one ultimate goal.