i noticed today Shifty's coach roof has a couple cracks. they're small but they are there. i know its a bitch to remove as i have to
drop the headliner
fill the holes
remove the fiberglass extension
grind down all kinds of shit
get a new back window
get a new 3rd brake light housing(the coach roof cars have a taller housing)
and theres more, and not in that order. i wouldn't mind a slick-top as i would never have to worry about the vuinyl again, but the car wouldn't be "different" anymore. not many people on the cv sites have coach roofs and i've only seen two others in the area within a span of a year
so, replace or remove. speak all ya minds.
drop the headliner
fill the holes
remove the fiberglass extension
grind down all kinds of shit
get a new back window
get a new 3rd brake light housing(the coach roof cars have a taller housing)
and theres more, and not in that order. i wouldn't mind a slick-top as i would never have to worry about the vuinyl again, but the car wouldn't be "different" anymore. not many people on the cv sites have coach roofs and i've only seen two others in the area within a span of a year
so, replace or remove. speak all ya minds.