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Pete Mang Need Help :-P

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    Pete Mang Need Help :-P

    Hey Pete mang Making this tread hoping it will catch ure eye :-D

    On ure
    This is an Archive of info for vacuum, electrical, HVAC and CFI specific info - *read only*


    Where you made a switch I gots two questions for yea :"-)

    Will that swicth still work without the hocky puck?


    When you put the wires on the VOTM solenoid Did you splice into the old wires with new wires, or??? ugha??? Im just confussled mang on this is all. and scured to just hack and slash the wires mang :-D

    Thanks Pete mang :-D

    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    Ugha, I think i know what my vac prob is and maybey my stalling prob..

    UGAH! I got to looking at the TKICK EGRV EGRC HTVL sELONOIDS..

    And non of them are hooked up right..

    The HTVLV and the egrc are hooked up together and loop back around to each other!. And thEgrc and the egrv arnt even hooked up to the EGR!!! there juct wellthere "capd"

    UGHA!!! Holy pice of shit bat man...

    I know. or i thoinks i know how to fix the two going to the egr.. But the other two well im not so sure about
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


      sounds like you have a nice vacuum mess on your hands...

      and you dont have to "hack or slash" into any wiring to hot wire the throttle solenoid. To do what Ive done in the pic, remove the wires from it. Ground one of the terminals, hook the other one up to a switch. This has nothing to do with the "puck"

      and tell me, what is "ugha" ??? it makes me want to claw my eyes out, like how you make a new thread for the same problem every week!!!
      But Im glad to see you are finally looking around under the hood now

      Pete ::::>>> resident LED addict and CFI defector LED bulb replacements
      'LTD HPP' 85 Vic (my rusty baby) '06 Honda Reflex 250cc 'Baileys' 91 Vic (faded cream puff) ClifFord 'ODB' 88 P72 (SOLD) '77 LTDII (RIP)
      85HPP's most noteworthy mods: CFI to SEFI conversion w/HO upperstuff headers & flowmasters P71 airbox Towncar seats LED dash light-show center console w/5 gauge package LED 3rd brake light 3G alternator mini starter washer/coolant bottle upgrade Towncar power trunk pull underhood fuse/relay box 16" HPP wheels - police swaybars w/poly rubbers - budget Alpine driven 10 speaker stereo


        Thanks pete mang :-D

        O and

        Originally posted by 85crownHPP* View Post
        and tell me, what is "ugha" ???

        Ugha means Im clawing my eyes out and pull my hair out in pure confusion ;-(

        Now i know what i can do though :-P
        People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


          Well I went and got some house and still to no avial.. I still might not have them hooked up right though.. I ran a line from the egr to the two selinods next to the tkick.. the other two, i put one big line and hooked it up on the black coffie can on the fenderwell. the red line that was there i put on a Tree thats next to the fire wall. What was hooked up to the coffee can was a line from the pcv valve coming out of the oil fill cap. so i then put that in a connection that wasent ocypied in the breather..

          Does any of this sound right mang's?

          Thanks mang's

          People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


            Well nothing i done today worked... I just did that Switch thingy.. and to no avial... at first i thought O yea! ima need a hot wire to go with it as well..

            Well that didnt do it..

            as a side note.
            On top of that i found that theres no doctors office open on Sat. so im screwed out of my dot physical as well

            Well i think ima quit posting about my pice of shit car with this tread.. unless it's a for sale sign..

            ttyl's mangs


            Agine thanks mang's
            People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


              Retract my last statment for now at least...

              Seems as if she is actually doing a bit better :-P Still unsertion though

              But my switch still isnt working.
              People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


                it could be that solenoid is broke too - got any junkyards near you?

                If its still not working well, I would do a vacuum line atom bomb and remove everything, all the vacuum lines and plumb the important stuff from scratch, just untill you get it to run right. It will run without any of the vacuum controls on the valve cover and engine emissions stuff, just not the best.

                The only important stuff it needs to run somewhat well is the one line to the MAP sensor, the one thick hose feeding the vacuum tree on the firewall, and the hose to the PCVvalve in the oil cap.

                Looking directly at the CFI unit, you can cap the nipple located at 7 0'clock (evap inlet), the nipple at 2:00 (EGR vent)
                The main vacuum nipple is located at 12:00 just below the CFI unit. It should be one big nipple with two little nipples on the side. The one big one feeds the vacuum tree.
                One of the little ones goes right to the MAP sensor and only the MAP sensor.
                The other little one is what feeds the 4 vacuum solenoids on the valve cover(which controll the EVAP system, EGR, and the throttle kicker) as well as the smog solenoids on the passenger fender. Remove it all!!! thats right get rid of it. Id say try not to break the plastic lines but it sounds like its a screwed anyway.
                Now, this 2nd small vacuum nipple that you just cleared out, now hook it up to the TKICK solenoid on the valve cover (the one you tried to hot wire) and keep the vacuum lines going out of it to the VOTM and CM, or just run a new one to the VOTM

                do this now!!!!! and if it still wont run right, it has nothing to do with the engines vacuum controlls, and my help is of no use!!!!!

                I dont have time now, but tomorrow I will edit my vacuum map drawing to what you should see under the hood after doing what I described above... Kransy-O made something simmilar I think... maybe it will turn up

                Last edited by 85crownHPP; 04-14-2007, 09:32 PM.
                Pete ::::>>> resident LED addict and CFI defector LED bulb replacements
                'LTD HPP' 85 Vic (my rusty baby) '06 Honda Reflex 250cc 'Baileys' 91 Vic (faded cream puff) ClifFord 'ODB' 88 P72 (SOLD) '77 LTDII (RIP)
                85HPP's most noteworthy mods: CFI to SEFI conversion w/HO upperstuff headers & flowmasters P71 airbox Towncar seats LED dash light-show center console w/5 gauge package LED 3rd brake light 3G alternator mini starter washer/coolant bottle upgrade Towncar power trunk pull underhood fuse/relay box 16" HPP wheels - police swaybars w/poly rubbers - budget Alpine driven 10 speaker stereo


                  Thanks pete mang :-D Let me go gather up some houses :-D
                  People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


                    Why Pete Mang i think you did it :-P~

                    I coldent find any vac lines, and both near sotres where clesed.. buuuutt Dollare General was open. So what i did was buy some rubber's... Well Semi rubbers :-P Ballons and rubber bands and used that for a Erm.. Vac cap!

                    Any ways. Went and caped all the ones u said to cap :-P And then looked for the stuff you said was inportant.. And ran them lines making sure they where where you said they should be. and filling for holes.. No holes and they where..

                    two places though wernt caped.. Well One for sure the other had one on it. But it was coroded and it was to the umm EGR.. Sooo Put a ballon on it

                    Anyways end result.. Still would cut off cold.. ( But im not worried about cold i know it will it has no working choke! ) But hot I did my gruling test's Stop gos for about 25 min's straight and no stalling and i mean hard stop and go's.. ( Ima change the oil this friday prob..) Went to a complete stop in d for 10 min's didnt even hesitate. Then the cope de granda.. I repedatley mashed the brake after them 10 min;s not so much as a flicker of stalling :-P

                    Ahhh... But the finnal test will of corse be friday.. when i go after cigarets ( 30 milles away ) If it dosent stall then ima be over joyed :-D

                    Anyways.. BIG Thanks Pete mang :-D

                    O one more thing... Did i do good with the secound hose coming out of the pcv by puting it to the breather? Ima check other peoples photo's but i was woundering about that.
                    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


                      sweet Im glad its running better. you prolly just had a bad vacuum leak somewhere.
                      For the PCV valve, the big nipple just goes to the CFI unit and the little one should be capped. Usually when you buy the PCV valve it will come with a little plug to stick in the little nipple if you dont use it.

                      To keep it from stalling when its cold, you'll have to get the choke workin right
                      Hot wiring the TKICK to operate the VOTM(throttle stepper) with a switch is only good for a couple hundred RPM, not enough to keep it running during a cold start. I mostly use it for muggy days when it wants to bog down at in gear idle or when its just a little cold out.
                      Last edited by 85crownHPP; 04-17-2007, 02:10 PM.
                      Pete ::::>>> resident LED addict and CFI defector LED bulb replacements
                      'LTD HPP' 85 Vic (my rusty baby) '06 Honda Reflex 250cc 'Baileys' 91 Vic (faded cream puff) ClifFord 'ODB' 88 P72 (SOLD) '77 LTDII (RIP)
                      85HPP's most noteworthy mods: CFI to SEFI conversion w/HO upperstuff headers & flowmasters P71 airbox Towncar seats LED dash light-show center console w/5 gauge package LED 3rd brake light 3G alternator mini starter washer/coolant bottle upgrade Towncar power trunk pull underhood fuse/relay box 16" HPP wheels - police swaybars w/poly rubbers - budget Alpine driven 10 speaker stereo


                        Thanks Pete Mang :-D
                        People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


                          hehehe, still no stalling nern at all ( Sept when warming up.. but i just dont let her idle then :-P ) Tomarow is the big test day :-P Seprate man from panseys. :-D I will take me a good 40+ mille trip to Troy then to Dothan If she dosent stall in troy. Ounce in Dothan, i will go to Eufaula :-D And from Eufaula back here. All on prob 30$ worth of gas. In junction with this in troy i will get oil and oil filter and in dothan a thing of lucus :-D In eufaula ima goof off :-D..

                          So hopefully all shall work out rather well :-D

                          People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


                            Eh... not so good.. of a test was great till i got to troy then she was sitting at a red light and after about 2:10 secounds she stalled. I dont understand it but i am just going to half to live with it. It's great if you stay on the freeway or around here. Just red light after red like and her being hot she no likey.

                            Anyways.. No more worrys for coming from me
                            People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

