Yeah, so I was at a friend's house and as I was leaving it stalled.....STALLED!!!! WTF!!! So I crank away, that familiar sound that brings back memories of pushing crap trucks we've owned. It doesn't attempt to even start. Then I see smoke coming from the hood!! I couldn't think of anything but that post of the Jetta burning to a crisp. :cry: Stop, yank the key out, and through the hood open getting ready to wake the whole neighbor hood up to save the Vic. Luckily nothing was on fire, just a lot of smoke coming from some wires. The wires that run to the distributor, I think. I'll post pics of the burn if there is anything to see. I hope it didn't cook the distributor or any other sensitive component. I have this issue because of the clean up that I did under the hood over the last few days. Now since I had to turn the wheel with the engine off, the power steering fluid has shot all over everything again! :cuss:
Even though it has died, it still holds true that my Vic has never ever left me stranded on the road. It always has problems just when it's best to have them. So I'm spending the night at the friend's, and pix and fix in the morning.
Even though it has died, it still holds true that my Vic has never ever left me stranded on the road. It always has problems just when it's best to have them. So I'm spending the night at the friend's, and pix and fix in the morning.